Worthy of Sharing: Is Your Pee Red When You Eat Beets?

Two Worthy of Sharing in a row. This one was too good not to pass on.  If you get red pee from eating beets it means that your stomach acid is low. Over at terawarner.com they wrote a great piece on the topic and how to fix the situation! Yes, she recommends honey but I liked all the other recommendations.

Do The Beet Test: How to Tell if You Have Low Stomach Acid & Weak Digestion

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1 Response to Worthy of Sharing: Is Your Pee Red When You Eat Beets?

  1. Shanon Sluder says:

    Stomach acids can be quite temperamental sometimes and when the acid levels are very high it can really give you some nasty stomach ache. ;*’“

    Our own blog

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