DFV Must Have Ingredients

My husband raised a valid point.  There are certain things that are always available in my kitchen so that I can start creating whenever I get the bug so I have to decided to create a list.  Before you read this list I would like to take a moment to explain a few things.  I love the idea of fresh vegetables and taking dried beans and preparing them myself but it is not always practical with my life style.  Being a wife, mom, working 50 hours a week and trying to have a life make it much for convenient to keep canned beans and frozen vegetables on hand.  Please don’t let that sway you from any of the recipes, they will taste even better with fresher ingredients.

Here’s the list which I will add to as I remember:

vegan butter substitute
Nutritional yeast
Egg Replacers: Ener-g egg replacer, applesauce, chia seeds, flax meal
Cashew Cream

Himalayan Pink salt

Oils- olive & sunflower
Vinegars: apple cider, white, balsamic, red wine… you can’t go wrong with vinegar
Liquid smoke
or smoked paprika 
 or soy sauce
Braggs Amino Acids

(I prefer yellow or white)
Tomato Paste (I buy in a tube)
Dried kelp
Lemon juice
Syrup: maple or coconut
Spices: Cumin, garlic powder, oregano, dried basil,
Fresh Garlic and shallots
Baking soda and powder
Bread Crumbs
Hot Sauce: I like a variety
Vegan Cream Cheese
Vegan sour Cream
Frozen: Peas, spinach, pineapple
Fresh Veggies: Spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes, bell peppers, onions (red & yellow)
Beans (canned or dried): Garbanzo, black, pinto, kidney, white
Nuts: a variety
vegan chocolate chips (dark or white)


11 Responses to DFV Must Have Ingredients

  1. Jacey says:

    Very valid, pithy, sucincct, and on point. WD.

  2. What a great list. Simple, readily available ingredients! Perfect!

  3. Kelley says:

    You have flour listed twice =)

  4. Pingback: Don't Fear the Vegan - Life in Michigan

  5. Looks alot like my pantry 🙂

  6. patricia mcguire says:

    Hello, very new to vegan cooking. Any suggestions to replace shredded chicken that works for mexican dishes? Thanks.

  7. Sara Polton says:

    Great list. I have most of those in my kitchen at all times.

What are your thoughts?